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What do you think, madam? ——Fieldwork Stage One

作家相片: 寬柔 周寬柔 周

We focus on the native family's growth history in stage one, hoping to establish a solid dialogue relationship with respondents.

As a questionnaire, we use the paper version of Facebook for youngsters from the 1990s. Some of the questions are intriguing, such as what is your favorite song? What is the saddest experience you've ever had? Can you tell me some gossip? and so on. This is a good way to start a conversation.

We tried a few bodily movements after hours of talking. Leave the words behind and reconnect with the present moment's place and body, which includes Perceiving the space, Breathing exercises, Practicing the conversion of posture to dance, and selecting one memory to respond to with behavior.

The goal of the first stage is to get a complete picture of the respondents' life rather than looking for similarities and discrepancies. It was impossible to portray all Taiwanese women in their fifties and sixties in only five situations. Even within the same historical and cultural context, there are still a variety of experiences and connection alternatives. Furthermore, as a woman, I have grown tired of being labeled.

So, what exactly are we looking for? Is the time to embrace feminine self-identity or gender identity? Is the moment of sexual enlightenment or the moment bound by societal dogma?

it's a neither, and an either.

My partner Chin and I are both new to fieldwork. We can only seek for core and adjustment practices while on the fieldwork in the short term. For example, we define and imagine words like "women" and "gender" in quite different ways than the respondents. Being aware of our differences and the reasons for them, altering context, and using delicate wording can all help us progress more smoothly.

Instead of trying to drive the conversation to a specific topic as a questioner, we've discovered that it's best to chat freely while remaining cognizant of traditional gender standards. Perhaps the core can be found more easily under the safe two-way communication.

For example, one of Chin's respondents stated that the reorganization of the gender framework is tantamount to destroying her life's convictions (Attachment 1). That makes Chin wonder about her own status in her generation, as though we all think we're breaking through and opening something, but are we also establishing a new framework?

I was originally in a teacher-student relationship with the respondents, and I've been locked in their perception of me as a teacher. At first, I thought the conversation wasn't going deep enough. I'm hoping they'll be able to let go of this relationship and trust me more. Looking back, I realized that trust is not a one-way street. The trust and space I provided were woefully insufficient.

(Failed screenshot: First meeting with facilitator Henry)

Following the first round of fieldwork, we've compiled the following main points:

1.The goal of the first stage of fieldwork is to find numerous elements and details from the respondents' life experiences to use as seeds of creation in future workshops, which will be stimulated by various nutrients. The second goal is through these telling, listening, and discussing, to review and organize each moment in life, what sort of existence it is for the current self, and after all the activities, how can we trigger our future lives?

2.When the respondents have no notion of sexual or gender variety, we can't avoid the context of dualistic gender thinking in the process, and how do we bring this notion to the activities in the following stage?

3.The most important factor for us is the feminine thinking of the respondents in the historical event, not the content of the historical event. How can conscious and independent female thinking be communicated and recorded?

Writing/Data Integration: Kuan

Attachment 1 (附件一):





那我們到底再找尋什麼? 女性自我認同或是性別認同的時刻? 受社會教條綑綁的時刻?還是性啟蒙的時刻?



例如詣芩的一位對象分享到,關於社會性別框架重新洗牌,等於沖刷她長久以來的生活信念(附件一),讓詣芩反思到自身處境,我們都以為自己正在突破、打開什麼的同時,會不會也在建造另一個框架;而我始終卡在和對象是師生的關係, 一開始總覺得談話不夠深入,希望他們可以放下這層關係,並給予我更多信任,回頭卻發現信任不是單向的,我給予的信任和空間才是最不足的。


1.田調第一階段的核心其一是從對象的生命經驗中找到各種元素和細節,做為創作的種子,在後面的工作坊被不同養分觸發,長成不同姿態;二是藉由這些訴說、聆聽、與討論,去回顧、梳理生命中的每個時刻,之於現在的自己是什麼樣的存在,而經過這樣的梳理,要怎麼觸發我們日後的生活 ?

2.在過程中無法跳脫二元性別思考的語境,在對象沒有多元性別概念的情況下,要怎麼在下一階段將此概念帶入活動 ?

3.對我們來說最重要的並不是歷史事件的內容,而是對象在其中的思考,如何讓女性的思考具意識且獨立出來的被交流、被記錄 ?

撰文: 周寬柔

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