This project is focusing on women that were born around the 1960s in Taiwan.
As victims of the change in traditional values and gender consciousness, these women born in the 60s have multiple social identities.
In the wave of gender discernment and self-identity in modern Taiwanese society, how do they find a way to practice themselves between acceptance and rejection, between themselves and the community. We started with interviews and organized three workshops to develop the potential of interactive works and even bring in more community art practices. We hope that through this experience, we will be able to exchange ideas and stimulate more ideas on this platform.
The whole residency project is divided into three stages:
Two fields, three workshops, and a final 20 minutes presentation in June.
For the workshop we are going to host, we will aim to inspire each other through some imagination and discussion, dress-up activities, and physical exercises so that they can use their bodies to have a dialogue with society.
-The origins of fieldwork-
My mother always said: "our generation is the hardest. he values and rules from the elders cannot be rejected;also It is hard to find the“right” way to teach the next generation during a full-time job. Life is tired and unfulfilled." This passage is usually a summary of our discussion of women’s plight.
The passage indirectly reveals that they are sensitive to changes in women's sense of self-worth beyond their reliance on specific traditional forms, caught up in the atmosphere of the wave; the uncomfortable fact is that this does not make them more sure of their abilities, nor does it make them happier, but perhaps confuses their standards of self-identity and makes it easier to interpret their frustrations as irreversible internal factors and social the inevitable.
Another discovery was that I met a traditional family consisting of seven sisters and their parents. The seven sisters grew in the same age as my mother. In the process of getting along with the three of them, I found that even though they were having a different life from my mum, there are still many similarities between them. The similarities belong to the collective female sympathy developed at that age. Therefore, I am curious about those traditional families with only daughters. What major events have they experienced due to gender factors? It affects how they defend or break away from traditional thinking.
My three interviewers are all students who I having been teaching Chinese folk dance in a community course. Once in a dinner with them, they talked about marriage, traditional education, and how they educate the next generation. Then suddenly they asked me in a low voice, "Teacher, do you support homosexuality?"
This keyword suddenly turned into an uneasy query, made me realize that they were left behind in various women's rights and gender awareness campaigns. Except for the communication problems between generations and the information differences of echo chambers, their anxiety and confusion about the changing trends cannot be listened to or digested. All related discussions turned to negative "Forced acceptance".
I remember when I finished the proposal of this project and asked Kuan's participation. We had a long conversation before our cooperation. We talked a lot about each other’s feminist stance. Kuan mentioned looking for new images of women and stimulating strength whether it comes from physical or psychological. On the other side, I was hoping to connect and identify with the female experience as a starting point. The biggest similarity between us was that we gradually analyze the possibility of breaking through the generation gap in the experience of communicating with others.
However, we are not in a hurry to combine concepts into a performance on this platform. The information obtained in the interview allows us to understand that "time" is a very important accumulation. I must always remind myself that I should never bury my self-righteous feminism too quickly.
I think it might be time to transform the power of listening into action.
Writing/Data Integration: Chin
常聽母親嘴上掛著一段話作為我們聊女性困境的總結: 「我們這代最辛苦,上一輩父母的觀念、規矩不能拒絕;下一輩小孩怎麼教都不對;還要一邊工作累得要命,實在活的很沒成就感。」
另一契機是,我因緣際會下認識了一個由七個姐妹及其父母所組成的傳統家庭,他們成長的年代正好與我母親的時代相近, 在與他們其中三位女性相處的過程中,發現即便有著截然不同的生命經驗,我母親與她們之間仍有許多特性交集,是屬於當時時代孕育出的集體女性共感;再進一步的了解,關於那個遵從男性傳宗接代的年代,一個只有女兒沒有兒子的家庭所乘載的特殊際遇,經驗了哪些因為性別因素的重大取捨?影響了她們如何鞏固或如何跳脫傳統思維。
撰寫/文字資料統整 詣芩