Artists: TSENG Chih-Wei, MEI Chih-Ling

With the elements of theatre we will observe the sex consciousness between bodies and fabrics, and utilizing Aerial silk as the form of the creation. In addition to the fabric used for Aerial silk, we will also try fabrics that have an intimate relationship with our daily lives, such as: clothes, sheets, towels, etc. The shape, texture, color and size of these daily objects are connected to the stereotypes we have towards gender, sex, & sexuality semiotically. Putting the fabrics of daily lives in a theatrical space, and playing with the extreme physicality that Ariel has mastered, we are aiming to interrogate the encounter of circus & theatre, and the mixed point of view of female & queer.
We will use photos and videos to present our works in this period of the creation, and the two creators will be the performers.

For the first rehearsal in Thinkers’ Theatre, we experimented different possibilities of the fabric of Ariel silk and the space. We found new ways of Ariel silk because Thinkers’ Theatre itself tells lots of stories, there are imaginations in the bookshelf, stairs and terrace. The long fabric was twining everywhere with our bodies joining in from different angles. In the process, some interesting images made us think of some relationships of human beings: Intimacy of lovers, a mother and an unborn child, bodies without gender, etc. And at the same time, we imagined different ways of shooting for the presentation online.
After the try out of physicality, we started to write down some keywords from our intuitions on one paper, and then categorized them onto another paper into categories: body, fabric and between both. At this moment, the facilitator Ding-Yun joined the discussion. He suggested to put Ariel silk aside first, and extend the discussion without it. Then he asked us to find three words that we wanted to approach and have a further conversation with each other. He also shared a way to look at things without binaries while we went further into the three keywords we found.

Coming from different backgrounds, Mei and I have both created works about gender issues. We appreciate professions of each other a lot. However, this is the first time we work together. It’s a long journey to transform two lives into a creation. “Queer” and “Feminism” are both very big issue, what do we really want to say about it? “Everybody has gender issue.” said by the facilitator Ding-Yun. We will be able to find what exactly we are communicating with the world when we look carefully on our histories instead of rushing ourselves to finish a creation.
Today we had the first rehearsal in the theatre. I thought it would go smoothly since Chih-Wei and I had lots of discutions before. However, it wasn’t as easy as I imagined. We used our different experiences of physicality to experiment with Ariel silk. We questioned each other: “what is sex?”, “what is male and female?”, and tried to be non-binary. The facilitator Ding-Yun then reminded us that we were still in the binary if for us, the opposite side of “male” is “female”. What if it’s “non-male” ? Perhaps there’s no right answer for gender issue. We should be more open for known, unknown and predicted things in order to think widely. Not to stick to Ariel silk but start to dig into our histories. Start from simplicity then find what we really want to do.

Hi Chih-Wei and Chin Lin, Thank you for this blog entry. I am reminded by Chin-Lin's reflection to consider non-binary modes of thinking about gender. I struggle with that a lot to be honest, because without realising it I keep going back to this binary. That's why I am also interested to look at "formlessness" , the idea if the male/female has no form what can it be. I am still experimenting to be honest, not sure if it can be anything at this moment. By the way, I am in love with the materiality of the silk. In my Malay culture and also in Islam, silk is regarded as a feminine material, hence it is regarded forbidden for men to…